24 January 2007

It's about time!

Not one to be left out, I've decided to join the blog wagon and create one about me! I'm hoping that after having lost 12kgs and with another 5kg to go, this will help to make me accountable. I think I need something like this to help nudge my smaller but not small enough butt in the right direction.

I'm a Lifetime member of Weight Watchers, I first joined in 1992. Almost 15 years and another child later, I'm back doing it all over again. While I'm kicking myself for letting my weight steadily climb over the years, I'm actually enjoying the journey more this time. Firstly, it's easier 'cos I know WW works. Secondly, this time around I've found the WW message boards, which means I've got so much support from people who understand what I'm going through.

In order to keep things moving, I've joined a boot camp. I'm now not bothered by the fact that I'm probably the oldest person there, but I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't seem to be making a difference on the scales. I'm definitely fitter though, and I've discovered muscles that I never knew existed! Today I found I have a groin muscle....no splits for me tonight!

I wish I could find a "before" photo, but I'm usually the one behind the camera. Truth is, I don't like having my photo taken - I'm not very photogenic. However I'm going to try and round up someone to take a snap of me, and if it's not TOO disgusting I'll post it. Otherwise you'll just have to use your imagination!

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