08 February 2007

Get Over It and Get On With It!!

I was mad. I say was, because I'm now over it. And I'm moving on. I've given myself a good face slapping and I've re-focused. A 1.2kg gain on Tuesday!! Partly to do with TTOM, but I was mad because of all the hard work I was doing at boot camp. Not fair!

So, where am I going wrong? The most obvious mistake is that I've stopped tracking. Thinking it's okay for me to go around with it all in my head and not writing it down just does not work. I might not be going over my points by much each day, but I guess it all adds up.

And alcohol. We are not getting along very well at the moment. Those couple of glasses of wine when I'm relaxing with Russ of an evening is just going straight to my jelly belly! And unlike water, it doesn't seem to want to exit via the bladder.

So, the BIG plan for this week is: 1. track, track, TRACK! Everything. 2. NO WINE/ALCOHOL! This is a toughie! and 3. Follow week 1 of SUPERSTART to the letter.

As Bob the Builder would say: "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!"

1 comment:

jen said...

Of course you can fix it!! Good on you for recognising the need to track....that was a problem I had too, it's so easy to think you have it all in your head, but you do forget things and they DO ADD UP!!

Go girl...you can do it,
Have a great week,