05 March 2007

Boot Camp #2

Well I managed to survive my first boot camp, and in a moment of madness, signed up for Boot Camp No. 2! So another six weeks of getting up at 5.20am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I wonder if at the end of this boot camp I could get myself some boots like these? Actually, forget the boots, I'd be happy with legs like that!

I know it's sounds crazy but I really do enjoy the discipline of boot camp (if you know what I mean). I don't think I would work so hard if I went to a gym, unless I had someone standing over me, watching me all the time. This morning we did upper body work, so my arms feel like jelly, but hopefully soon I won't have those flabby bits that sway in the breeze!

Last night we (Russ, the two girls and Kaysie's friend) went to the Zoo Twilights concert and saw Daryl Braithwaite. It was fantastic!! Yes I'm a dag, an old Sherbet fan from wayback! I was amazed at the variety of age groups there, thoroughly enjoying it like we were. The girls were hanging out for Daryl to sing Horses, which he did for an encore. He also did a tribute to Billy Thorpe "Most People I Know Think That I'm Crazy", which everybody loved. What a night!

Joel's back at uni (thank goodness!) so he's now out from under my feet, so I can actually get some things done. Only problem is today I'm really lacking energy and motivation. I've got heaps of washing to do, but my machine's playing up and has flooded my laundry after the first load! I think that's a sign that I'm not meant to do much today! Sounds good to me............


Janet said...

You sure they're not your legs? LOL. They could be. And a second boot camp? You'll need to discuss with Suzie how mad you both are. And I really hate to remind you ....... BUT YOUR BIRTHDAY IS GOING TO BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!!!! Thought I'd type it big in case your eyes are getting old, too. hehehe

jen said...

Another boot camp.....geeeeeeeee your're brave, braver than me...good luck!!!
