14 June 2007

I'm still alive!!!!

Haven't posted for ages - but I'm still on the planet! On the planet and away with the fairies, that's me!

My darling daughter Kaysie turns 18 in only a couple of weeks, and she's counting down. She wants to have a combined birthday bash with her friend Laura whose birthday is a few days before Kays. They wanted to have it in a hall, but most of the places she's contacted don't do 18th birthdays anymore. The few that do charge a bond that almost requires a personal loan! I don't want to rain on her parade, but I really don't think the party's going to happen.

I went to the physio today - straaange guy! My knees have been hurting so my GP ordered some x-rays and then referred me to the physio. I have patello-femural syndrome (or something like that). Then he wanted to see my feet. He found the cause of my knee problem - I have gross over pronation of both feet - in other words, I have flat feet! So it looks like orthotics for me. I told him about doing three lots of boot camp - he thinks I'm a boot camp addict - but the good thing is he really wants to sort this problem out so I can continue with my physical activities. I have this fear that if I stop moving/exercising the weight's going to jump back on.

And if I haven't got enough financially draining things to look forward to with 18ths and orthotics, Josh has to go to the orthodontist to get braces!! He's also had some fillings in the last couple of weeks - at least that scared him off eating too much sugary stuff from now on!

Weight wise, I've plateaued big time, which I put down to no boot camp. I promised myself I'd do lots of walking/running instead, but when it's wet and cold I just can't get motivated. I know, I'm a wuss!

Oh well, I'd better go and do some physical activity - housework (yuck!) Hasn't anyone discovered a way to stop dust yet??!


jen said...

heyyyyyyyyy welcome back to blogging world, was wondering where ya was!!!!

Glad you back....and in the land of living.

Janet said...

Julie, where have you been hiding??? And don't you know that dust only gets to a certain height and then it falls over??? LOL

My weight is doing it's usual up, down, stay the same thingie. But Vickie (with the beyooutiful blonde hair) reached goal a few weeks ago. So very happy for her.

Anonymous said...

boot camp queeennnn where are youuu?!?!?!